Friday, January 20, 2012

Let There Be Light

For three years many people in South Carolina have worked to give the opportunity of affordable, clean, domestic energy to all.
We are so close to seeing this happen in 2012.

Please come to the
South Carolina Senate lobby day
On Tuesday, February 7th 2012.

We will meet at the OLD Nickelodeon Theatre (behind state house)at 11.00am

We will call out our state Senators and ask them to support Solar businesses, domestic energy and job creation in SC. This has to be a grass roots effort we need your help for one day.

If you believe that South Carolina can and should develop a portfolio of future energy supplies that will strengthen our domestic economy and lessen our dependence on finite fossil fuel sources, take a few hours out of your busy lives and let your voice be heard.

The senate is normally business attire but we want you, your kids, and your neighbors to be heard and seen. The SBA, David and I look forward to seeing you there.

Feel free to email me with questions.