Thomas Edwin Lawson died Saturday January 30th 2010. Tom was born in 1909. In his lifetime he lived thru more history than I can imagine. I am going to recall some of the things he told me about that have me in awe. When he was 12yrs old, living in the foothills of the Georgia mountains he saw the first automobile arrive by train to his town. The first automobile his family got he helped his father drive it with his three brothers because his father was nervous. When his youngest brother was born, Tom moved to the porch to sleep with his other brothers while his mother convalesced. Tom saw the invention and introduction of,
The automobile, radio, the telephone, the television, the tank, the airplance,
diesel boats (they were coal-fired) the nuclear bomb, WWI, WWII,
Korean War, The rise of Russia, plastic, the fall of Britain,
The vietnam war, space flight, the microwave, central heating and cooling,
the computer, video, cell phones, the fall of Russia, dvd, cd,
2 space shuttles destroyed,
the international space station,
nuclear energy and solar energy.
Tom was survived by his 98yr old wife, three children, 7 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren.
Tom was once fired from a job because he didn't like one of the other managers sleeping with workers and reported him, (this didn't cause the firing but the other manager got his revenge) Tom was always pleasant, kind and honest. I am honored to have known him and lucky to have married one of his grandchildren. He will be missed.
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