Man what a good day I had! It didn't start that way, I was a nervous wreck about our solar bill going to the Senate finance sub-committee and getting scuttled. Amendments were swirling around and everyone seemed to be looking for a way to stop the bill. Staff and Senators actually crafted a good bill. It takes the best of surrounding states legislation and makes it better. I am proud of the bill as written. Here are the main components as of today:
$8m dollar cap for 2012 and 2013 decreasing to $6m and $5m in subsequent years.
Allocations to business segments of
15% residential
35% commercial
50% large commercial
3 equal installments on the credit.
the ability to parcel out the tax credit among owners disproportionately if one piece is too big.
The credit sunsets in December of 2016.
This bill will create jobs, economic development and build the solar industry here in SC. We have two major hurdles to get this passed. Please call a SC senator and tell them you support H.3346 as written.
This is a perfect oppertunity for our state to excell into the next era of LIFE!